BluAngle's Journal

May 2007
2:48 AM CDT

I cut my leg last night really bad. it happened only because i slided the wrong way. it still is bleeding really bad. Jess didnt leave last night he says he isnt going to leave me like that he says he will wait untill sahe comes down here. He also told me he loved me. Well i have a game Thursday and I have to present a speech Thursday too. Life is so fair. Well go to go.

Apr 2007
3:06 AM CDT

I forgot to tell you that i have a game tonight and cityfield. Mr. allen is our umprire ( dont know who to spell it) well i hope we win like we did friday 39 to 19. Please god if your listening please help my arm tonight so i can at least pitch tonight. please

Apr 2007
3:12 AM CDT

I'm at school right now. It has been a good week so far although it just started. Right now josh and them are bother ing me. I dont feel so good and i just want to go home. Jess leaves tomorrow. I dont want him to leave. We finally start to go out and then he has to leave because his mom want to see him. He said he doesnt have to go but I know he wants to see his mom. I just wished she lived down here that way he wouldnt have to leave. tisnf. ( This is so not fair)

BluAngle's Profile

  • Username: BluAngle
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - South Carolina
    BLUANGLE's Interests:

    About Me: I'm 14. I play softball and basketball and track for my school. i love to fish and hunt.

    Interests: Cooking and sports

    Favorite Music: Rap, Hiphop, pop

    Favorite Movies: Stomp the Yard

    Favorite Television: no

    Favorite Books: no