BabiBoricua's Journal
Apr 2007
3:52 PM EDT
Dear Journal,
I just stared this journal.Ummm... My life may look easy but you have no idea.In March like 4days away from my birthday my grandfather had a fight with my mom.Ok this is how it started...I was raised in queens New York.But the rent there was crazy high so my grandparents said we have to move.Me,my sister.mother,uncle and grandparents.My grandparents paid the rent so they got retaired from teaching in schools.They said they had to move but my mom and uncle has to live by there self cause they are 27 and 25 years old.So my mom was working and going back to school so we had to move to PA with the my grandparents.
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BabiBoricua's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 32
USA - New York
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