AnnaW219's Journal

Dec 2007
2:24 PM EDT

just a normal dream

my hometown is bolton and im still living here lol but i whould really love to move to ireland but in the country because inthat place thereis not much trouble it is quiet and peaceful .full of nature surronded by trees and so beautiful.
if you havent guessed im a girl with a dream that can happen and it probably will but i dont just dream of that i dream that i can get a job as a vet live in a big house in ireland and well have a family like anyone elses dream.
The thing is i live in bolton and i go to withins so to do all of that i have work hard so hard the school i am going isnt that good infact it is a really bad school. i want to go to oxford or cambrigde but i no i cant do that at this school people say yes you can if you work hard i say i aint that clever they say i am the arguement can go on there.
im good at singing dancing and acting so im good at praforming arts that aint gonna get me to oxford is it ?
i guess im just a confused girl looking for the write answers i wish someone will just come along and give it to me but that it going to happen well at least i dont think it will.
By Anna Wilson
just a normal girl wanting a normal life
1 comment(s) - 11:09 AM - 01/06/2008

AnnaW219's Profile

  • Username: AnnaW219
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: United Kingdom
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    ANNAW219's Interests:

    About Me: erm ive got brown hair blue eyes i love to help people with there problems they all ways listen to em because everyone tells them i can help and i love to dance sing and act so i guess im a proformer and im just me

    Interests: erm dancing,singing,acting,reading and going on long walks in the country

    Favorite Music: soft lol i guess i like soft because it has a meaning to it were banging ones bring out range in music peoples eyes

    Favorite Movies: scary i love scary because well i dont really no i also love soppy ones because they make me cry and if they can do that then the film must be good

    Favorite Television: erm television what do you ahve to do on this one i guess if your asking me my favorite tv program it has got to be ghost whisperer

    Favorite Books:  a lot of michael morpurgo books jaqualine wilson and ruth hamilton