Angelbug07's Journal

Mar 2007
4:43 PM EST

Trust? What is trust? Who can you trust? You must be careful in whom you convey your trust in; they just might hurt you in the long run. Everyone needs that one person they can trust and tell things to in confidence.

Well, I have learned this lesson the hard way. THe one person I thought I could convey in, stabbed me in the back.I was hurt and sadden deeply that they could do that. They were the one person I thought I could trust. I guess what I am trying to say is becareful on whom you tell things too and trust.

Angelbug07's Profile

  • Username: Angelbug07
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - Michigan
    ANGELBUG07's Interests:

    About Me: I am 17 year old female. I am a senior in Highschool. Graduate in like 3 months which is exciting.

    Interests: I love to write poetry and listen to music. I also like to be on the computer and phone. I enjoy these hobbies when I am not busy studying for school.

    Favorite Music: I prefer country but I listen to almost anything except hard rock and rap.

    Favorite Movies: My favorite Movies would have to be Ladder49, World Trade Center. I have lots of movies that I like.

    Favorite Television: My favorite televisions shoews would be Grey's Anatomy and One Tree Hill.