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    moralema  49, Female, California, USA - 6 entries
Feb 2010
10:42 AM PDT

Ha. It's true and the endurance. I think the same could be said about loyalty. Or at least in my case, my "loyalty" to my employers is basically indecision. Well also, inaction and intertia. I'm too comfortable here to do anything about it.
Tags: job

    Kitten  69, Female, California, USA - 88 entries
Jun 2008
1:51 AM PDT

Day One 6-18-08

Today is the first day of a new journal.

I'm excited to get started on a new way of journaling. I've been away from it for too long.

Where do I start?

First things first I guess. I haven't been to the gym for 2wks (?) something like that. I cried last night when I talked about it to Bear. I'm very disappointed with myself. I've had a standard to uphold for many years and I'm letting myself down. Yet even this minute I'm choosing to do this instead of going for a walk, which will be a first since last weekend. "This is more important. I just need some time." That's what I've been telling myself. also, "I'll be getting back to it, as soon as the pressure lets up."

The second thing, (and I'm not so sure I'm able to put them in perfect order), is Dan and his walk of shame as I think of it.�Since he came and told me of how he got fired from his dream job I've had a heavy feeling in my gut. I feel like I have a bolder in my stomach. I'm terribly sad, disappointed, ashamed, and a bit mad. The mad part grows a tad every so often as he doesn't seem to get the urgencey of finding a new job. Hello?? Money's running out and then your bills become our bills!! I get the attitude that this is sort of like a vacation to him, "haha lets go to the beach!" All I can do is�stay focused on what we expect�from him and stay clear that my fears are not realities - yet.


Mandy's move to Portland. YIKES!!�This one is the hardest for me to swallow.�A loaded gun for sure. Not going to go there right now, later.

Last:� (i hope)

The marriage of Mandy & Scarlet.�

these are my biggies these days. things I can't�talk�about so well. bear listens but he's not enough for my head. i will write until i can feel the release. this is what i used to do but gave up on the pen and book method. online? lets see how this goes.


Tags: job, marriage, move

    exarden  71, Female, New Jersey, USA - 20 entries
Nov 2007
6:12 AM EST

Have job, listed house

I got the job, listed the house. But thanks to some over drafts have no money until the 24th. This is bad. I should have a pay check on the 30th.
The realtor is very nice.
Tags: Job

    exarden  71, Female, New Jersey, USA - 20 entries
Nov 2007
6:55 AM EST

Have job

Have job, need to get references cleared.
Am thinking, and praying posistively. Am really trying to be posistive.
Voting day.
Stan is coming over to fix plumbing.
Okay, this is better.
I am not moving now. This will be great.
Tags: Job

    dahan  28, Female, Florida, USA - 3 entries
Apr 2021
3:29 PM EET


FINALLY LANDED MY DREAM JOB with all the bells and whistles to boot.

As of this week, I am running my OWN DAMN SHOW.

That is right, I have finally launched my Storytelling, Copywriting, and Consulting Studio. Because all, the world is my oyster, and I figured its about DAMN TIME I bring the freakin champagne.

Tags: JOB

    tradeflock12  24, Male, India - First entry!
Feb 2025
1:20 AM IST

Job vs Business

Passionate about career growth and financial freedom, I explore the debate of job vs business. Whether it's stability in employment or the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship, I analyze both paths to help individuals make informed career choices.
Tags: business, job

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