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    Yhm  41, Female, China - 21 entries
May 2011
7:36 AM CST

True Faith

The advantage of having faith in God is matter how big problems are, we are not shaken and we are not scared. We don't even consider it a problem, rather, a boulder that will escalate us to the upper level of blessing. Thanks be to God always.
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    vampiricakatt  29, Female, Minnesota, USA - 102 entries
May 2010
7:16 AM EDT

The Truth behind my Lies again

I mean it to it hurts Does she not get it. �I have more problems then she can imagen and she gets mad at me saying I'm Causing her more drama. and that everything is my fult when I ask her to stop hitting me.
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    vampiricakatt  29, Female, Minnesota, USA - 102 entries
May 2010
6:58 AM EDT

Truth behind My lies

What doesn't cheyenne get I'm done being her friend. She thinks its okay to call me names and wants me to be her punching bag Im so f-ing sick of it she keeps asking me to be her friend. I not her punching bag she bit me once it hurt so bad and she broke the skin she wasn't even mad at me. she was mad at her boyfriend.
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    lyubomirb  35, Male, Florida, USA - 44 entries
Jul 2008
8:07 PM EST


�������������� I felt so desperate and so cold inside. I was so sad and felt alone. But there were words she said to me and I remember. Those words that made me feel so good. Telling me how much she cares and loves. After all this time I must be ashamed. She did not lie. I do believe each word. I wanted but I let it down. Ask myself what I was afraid of. There were reasons for those words but I took them for granted.

��������������There is happiness and it’s so close. Standing next to me, waiting for me to reach out. No more sorrow. I must go for it. Because I know it was real. They were not lies. A word with meanings. That feeling must still be there and I won’t let it slip by like it did over and over again. Stop and hold a hand. And feel it, it is there.

��������������All I want to say right now is that I can try harder. I made promises that I am bound to keep. I have to keep telling myself that there is a chance for me. All the things I want to be. Put the right mind to it and work it out when I am not in the mood. Because the truth is “I can’t live without”.

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    evaDeva  59, Female, Arizona, USA - 3 entries
Jun 2015
12:24 AM MST



1 comment(s) - 04:47 PM - 07/07/2015
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