Tyler's Journal

Jan 2010
9:31 AM EST

Sunday, January 24

I went for a walk to the park today! It's been a couple of months since I've had my walks. The cold weather in December, Christmas, trip to Florida... all have contributed to me not taking my early morning walks that I love so much. I believe it's going to be rainy over the next few days, so this (regretably) could be my only walk for the month.

Robin bought a second remote for the Wii for the kids the other day and gave it to them this morning. They played with it until it was time to leave for church at 0930. I prefer to go to the first service, but it's a lot easier to do this when I go by myself. Robin isn't an early morning person, and getting the kids to the first service means getting them ready almost as soon as they wake up.

Kevin KahlerThe service was good. I always like it when Kevin leads worship. His voice is perfect to get you into a mood of worship. Bob didn't give the message though. It was a guest speaker from California. I usually don't like guest speakers. This one wasn't too bad though.

I'm writing this entry early, so I may do another before bed tonight.

tyrowell's Profile

  • Username: tyrowell
  • Gender / Age: Male, 59
  • Location: USA - Delaware
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