loveKL92's Journal

Oct 2009
5:35 AM EDT

Time to grow

I talked with my father,

last night,

about you.

He said, "It's time to grow up Bean,

and appologize to her."

"What percisely do you mean?"

I asked.

He said," Every one knows who you have,


it's time to grow,

time to show them you are!"

After we hung up.

I called you.

You said that you'd call right back.

I waited for your call,

it didn't come at all.

I wish we could,

go back and fix what's broken,

save the time that was stolen.

It's time to grow.

Now either grow with me,

or else leave,

because I can't dangle on a string.


loveKL92's Profile

  • Username: loveKL92
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Ohio
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