darkraven's Journal

Mar 2008
1:43 AM GMT


I still don't know how to express... well, anything really.

I wish I knew how people do that - how they open up about things.

I have to start letting some of this stuff out of my head.� I have to find a way to connect to the people I love so they aren't strangers anymore.

I hate being so alone.� I mean, yes, I have G - and my relationship with him is wonderful.. but he's at work so much of the time; I'm on my own almost constantly - and I don't cope.� I'm not coping.� Not even slightly.� I am so sodding lonely.� And yet I compound it by isolating myself further, because it's all I know how to do.� I don't know how to reach out to pepole.� Maybe I should know, but I don't.� I can't cope with the simplest levels of communication.� I do what I can, but it's really not enough by any stretch.

And I'm so tired of it.� So damn very tired.

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  • Username: darkraven
  • Gender / Age: Female, 51
  • Location: United Kingdom