cadmanr44's Journal

Mar 2018
9:09 AM IST

Three levels of culture

Three levels of culture
As a large structure containing material culture, spiritual culture, and institutional culture, culture can be divided into internal and external levels. Pang Pu, a historian and historian of Chinese history, divided it into three levels, namely, the level of matter (level of materiality), level of mind (level of mentality), and the level of integration of mind and matter.
The level of the so-called object is the object that human beings create in accordance with their own subjective intentions. This is an object that is separated from people's consciousness. We call it the level of things. For example, to watch a movie, you need a projector, movie film, and a screen. If you look at it, you need to have a movie theater. These things are the "level of things," which is the level of the movie's cultural activities. The second is the level of the combination of the mind and the object, in other words, the concept and consciousness of the person included in the object. Read more
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  • Username: cadmanr44
  • Gender / Age: Male, 45
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