cadmanr44's Journal

Mar 2018
8:02 AM IST

The concept of "civilization" similar to culture

The concept of "civilization" similar to culture
"Civilization" and culture have similarities, but there are differences. In terms of connotation, the culture is large and the civilization is small.
“Civilization” originally refers to the process of personal cultivation. Compared with culture, civilization is more focused on social demeanor. Kant said: "We have been educated by art and science... We have become civilized in the style and elegance of all kinds of society." Later, in the second half of the 18th century, it refers to the state of cultivation rather than its process. Sometimes it also refers to a specific behavioral pattern. For example, a kind of rich culture and a peaceful political life are now referred to as A higher level of culture. Read more
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  • Username: cadmanr44
  • Gender / Age: Male, 45
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