Heratpeace girl's Journal

Mar 2009
8:46 PM EDT

Child Love

What is it about love that makes us so happy? Is it cuz we just are? Is it cuz we wany 2 be but deep down we realy dont care and we no weir just gonna get our hearts broken? Or is iy that every morning we can wake up and say oh they'll be there 4 me 4 ever!!!? Well per sonal i think its cuz eep down i think all my friends are just trying 2 act older( dont forget im 13) and it bugs me on y. I had 2 grow up 2 fast 4 reansins i caint explain and now that i finaly dont have 2 i want 2 be a kid again, and whear colored tights and converse with to-tos without some1 calling me dumb!i want 2 run around and get dizzy without pepole saying im retarted.I want 2 have pre-k love and kids not care! I want 2 now how 2 be a kid again. But most of all i want 2 love without heart breaks cuz thats the kind of love kids have!

�������� Jewels101 AKA�heart berakpeac girl

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  • Username: Jewels101
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Texas
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    Favorite Movies: Gone with the wind

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