Heratpeace girl's Journal

Jan 2009
12:53 AM EDT


You now the saying stix nd stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me! well who ever said that was wrong. Yesterday i got called something i never hope to be called again that same pesson(who ive tryed to be friends with) also hates me.The truth is i once liked him and no 1 new it -cuz i keept it a secret-But from then on it was day after day fighting to be his friendand still i�try to be his friend,cuz deep down�inside i feel that if�1 friend is lost my whole world tummbles.I cry every time he�tells me he dosent want to talk to me-mabey�not in front of him but at home. he has a friend whom i like very much and every tme im near him my heart falls out flat cuz he used to like me but noe he dosent.My new saying is�-Stix and stones can break my bones ,but wors can kill my heart!!!!!!�


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  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
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