Hals's Journal

Jun 2008
5:29 PM EDT

Well no one responded to my other entry, but what ever, I don't really care. It is finally summer and it is so exciting. June and July is filled up but August is completely empty. My dog tore his acl AGAIN, but this time it was the other leg. He has to get another expensive surgery, less money for college!

May 2008
11:33 AM EDT

There is this guy I like, but he is two years older then me, he is in high school and I am in middle school. He thinks of me as an annoying little sister, he got that from my brother. What do I do? I is really sweet and cute, I really want to go out with him.


Tags: Boys, crush, older

Jul 2007
5:28 PM EDT

Life hasn't changed much. My brother is the same. I have been spending weekends with my aunt and cousin, wich is like a very small vaca from my house. Then I have been spending weekdays in tutoring. I think it is a waste of money but I also think I need it. Very soon I go to florida. In like a week or two. It is weird. Usually this far into summer I am bored. But tutoring and my small vaca's have been keeping me busy. Today we went to play tennis and my brother was trying to be nice. I was a complete ass hole, and I don't care a bit. After everything he has done to me I don't give a shit if I am a ass hole. He needs to think of what happens after a long time of emtional abuse.

Jul 2007
8:01 AM EDT

I like just woke up at my Aunt's house and I had like the best sleep ever. I slept for like 12 hours. Ever since I came back from camping I have been trying to ketch up on my sleeping. Well I finally did. I woke up to have my Aunts 13 week old dog licking my face. She is so cute. But then later on I found out that, that very same dog eats bugs, and other disgusting things. So I do not let her lick me anymore. I made sure of that! I wish she was my dog, but instead I have a cazy dog that is like impossible to train. But when he isn't wild he is the best doggie ever. I love my pup so much. But I wish I could have 2. But I am trying not to be greedy with my parents. But I think that my dog will be easier to train if there is another dog there to help. You no like monkey see monkey do. Yeah but my parents think I won't be able to take care of another dog. But I think there wrong. O well. I will keep asking for another dog. I will see what happens. They will probably get super angry at me. But we'll see.
1 comment(s) - 08:44 PM - 07/01/2007

Jul 2007
9:32 AM EDT

Lately I have been having friend troubles. I have two very good friends with very different personalities. One is extremely stubborn and the other is a competitive prettyrich girl who gets every thing she wants.(but she is still nice) The stubborn one is impssible to talk to and never gives in to what I say. Even if I ask a teacher and they agree with me, she just says that the teacher is wrong. It drives me insane. Not only is she stubborn, she is also perfect in school. She gets great grades. The first time she got a C this year she cried in the bathroom. She also gets all these awards. Like good sportsman ship award. The PE teacher says she gets it because she helps out all the time. So then I tried to help you know set up a game or something, I went up to her and tried to get the equipment from her but she just said no. She would no let me help. I just can't stand her sometimes. The other rich girl is so competitive.... To be continued...

Jun 2007
8:04 PM EDT

I have cooled off since me and my brother had the fight. Well, it really wasn't a fight, it was just a little thing that sent me over the edge. But anyway I cooled off from whatever happened. Now I am with my Aunt being happy. When I am with my aunt and cousin I feel like I am on vacation. (most of the time) I never have to do the things I have to do at home. I never have fights with anyone, at least none of the kinds of fights I have at home. They also have a little puppy that is so cute. The only thing I don't like is that when my aunt and cousin fight they really have a fight. Usally my cousin starts it when she is cranky, and my aunt tries to ignore her crabyness, but my cousin is very persistent, and my aunt can't ignore everything. So then everything explodes and they go into an all out fight. The fights are worse then the ones I expiernce at home. But when they are not fighting then it is great. I love it at there house.

Jun 2007
7:18 PM EDT

I hate my brother so much. He tries to annoy, and when I ask why, he says because I do the same thing. Yeah, well, where do you think I learn most of the stuff I know. Take a guess. From my older brother. Sometimes I wish we could switch places and he could see how it feels to be me. How every day my self confedence is lowered, because you are judged on everything you say. Even though I hate him so much I am still afraid of him, because I know that even though he is thin as a stick he could beat the crap out of me if he wanted to. Does anyone else have the same problem as me, or am I stuck with the meanest brother in the whole world?

1 comment(s) - 10:54 AM - 06/29/2008

Hals's Profile

  • Username: Hals
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - Maryland