A student's life is filled with examinations and writing the book reviews, more often than not the information to remember is overloaded and time, short. Besides the stress, the above statement is true, more so for students who are taking an examination like�Joint Entrance Exam�(JEE). A student taking JEE must not only prepare for the test but also must focus on their Boards examination.
To do well, besides juggling time and studying for both the exams, a student must keep themselves motivated for a period of at least 2 years. A student often starts with great enthusiasm and zeal to ace the exam with flying colors but keeping themselves motivated for 2 years is not easy and the amount of information doesn't make things simpler. This is a common scenario that takes place in a student's life when he/she comes face-to-face with difficult topics or when it's just that day when things don't seem to keep moving as it should. The feeling of monotony or getting stuck in the same situation can seep in easily and then comes the need to pick themselves up.
These are the situations that can push a student to the verge of giving up. When the situation of �€˜everything is lost�€™ arises, one should try something new:
The stress of these examinations and the weight of expectations can take a toll on students. When desired results don't yield, it is crucial to change the way things are getting done.
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