smb's Journal

Oct 2006
12:31 PM MST

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference." - Serenity Prayer, Reinhold Niebuhr AhHH! WED, well, yesterday and today have been pretty bad with severe back cramps! I swear it feels like I am about ready to have a baby! AHG! I also feel like some of it is emotion/stress! I need to get back on something I guess! Or I might ask the Dr. if I can try YAZ, the pill that helps with PMS and moodswings! J had TY over tonight, that was good, he's always good but O on the other hand about drove me to drink! First, Jane called me and said that he scratched a girl down the face, then he fought with his brother when we got home, then he hit TY, made a mess in the bathroom and made a mess at dinner (all intentional)and tore his bedding off of his bed. SO, his consequence was NO movie (that brother got to watch) and went to bed early 7:00. Well, he just got out of his room for the 7th time in an hour and a half. I swear, it is awfully hard to not be down right pissed at DB for leaving me with "HIS" boy! TO take care of him all by myself. HE acts just like his father! Didn't workout today, instead I stayed later at work and went tanning. Then I called DM and talked to her about her daughter, I'd love to help the girl out, it is really on my heart to help her find the Lord but she is a tough one! I don't know if she will let me help her or not! She might not "be ready" but I will try! Well, my back REALLY hurts, (4) and so I better go lay down! THen I went
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smb's Profile

  • Username: smb
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - Wyoming