shejustloves's Journal

Oct 2006
8:21 AM CST

My nerves did not go unfounded. My husband did drink thought out the week and a half that he was not suppossed to. Bring back a sperm count this morning of .1 million. Last time was 2.8 million for comparison value. I am heart broken. Lost and alone. How could you do that to someone? How could you do that to someone that you LOVE? The fertility department will not do another insemenation with counts that low nor would it be worth it at this point. Can our marriage survive this? Can I find the strength to wake up childless every morning look at him knowing he's the reason and not hate him. My heart is in a million pieces today.
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  • Username: shejustloves
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - Minnesota
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