shejustloves's Journal

Oct 2006
7:14 AM CST

In my first entry perhaps I need to catch my breath. My husband has blown me away!!!! We had made a pact to not drink in the two weeks before/during our fertility treatments. We have been trying for two years. Last night he got a call that he was needed at work (we own a bar) He got off work and proceeded to get almost falling down drunk. I am angry, hurt, frusterated, and feel betrayed. This is not the first time he has done this and I feel that he is sabbatoging my dream of starting a family. There is 14 years between us an he already has 2 grown children. When we first began dating I made it very clear that I wanted kids. He said he did too and even went through 2 Vas. reversals to make that happen. He ended up with a low sperm count anyway and drinking during this time especially lowers that count even more. Why is it so hard for him to just help me with my dream...especially since he had me so convinced that it was his dream too.
2 comment(s) - 03:31 PM - 10/18/2006
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  • Username: shejustloves
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - Minnesota
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