redshotlizard's Journal
Sep 2006
7:18 PM HNT
ok so I had a confusing day. I was just asked the question "Would you go out with me?" What the heck was I sappose to do? I froze and stared at this guy. This is the guy that I love to flirt with because I have the biggest crush on him. I would never expect him to ask me out. I hope he means this because I would love to go out with him. But to be honest I would be so scared that I would ruin everything and that this guy would hate me and we would brake up and not be friends. I would hate for that to happen. I really like this guy and think he is georgous. He makes me laugh, he talks to me, he is really nice to me, and I feel comfortable around him. I just hope to God that he thinks I'm pretty and I mean on the outside and the inside. Because believe this or not I this this guy is great once you get to know him. Sometimes he sits at one of the lunch tables by himself and for the longest time I wondered why. But then I asked him and he says that sometimes he likes to be alone and sometimes he doesn't care who comes up to the table and sits with him. To be honest I like this guy because he notices me for who I am, he takes his time to listen to me and I can tell him anything because he likes to talk to me. He is just so sweet but my dad would ruin this all for me because he wants me 2 date christians and he's an athiest. Sorry but Mrs. De Melo once told me that those are the ones you can help God convert them because they don't understand or just don't know that's all. I think my mom might understand if they both don't I'll have Mrs. D. talk to them and one way or the other I'll find a way to date someone because I really want a boyfriend. I've been asked out a few times and my parents were like no he's not right for you and what's his religion? I want to have some freedom. Why do I have to have parents like this? I'm so confussed. I want to have someone to hug and to help me get through ruff times. I'm depressed all the time and some of this has to do w/ my parents, my sister and my brother. I just want to run away sometimes. I'm s confussed. Talk later, Elizabeth
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- 02:29 PM - 10/04/2006
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Female, 37
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I love to read and write. I love to sing and I love to run. I love someone and hope to eventually get him to love me 2. I love you :)