Guess who's ba-ack!
I had a very interesting conversation with my mother yesterday. She informed me and my brothers that if, by the age of 21, we did not drink, do drugs, smoke, or engage in risky or illegal activities, she would reward us with a large sum of money. I know that is a kind of�maybe not-morally-acceptable way to deal with problems like drinking or drugs, but it's guaranteed to work if it's my brothers we're talking about here. I'm great with it. I know for sure I'm not going to do anything stupid anyway. I mean, take a look at me. I hate hate hate and DESPISE the taste of alcohol (so that's out), I'm afraid of needles, I cannot swallow pills, I choke whenever I smell smoke of any kind, the idea of snorting ANYTHING repulses me (so there goes smoking and drugs), I'm not ready for a boyfriend (risky activites is out) and what on earth would I do else? I generally...�usually... essentially follow the core of rules set. I don't want to get involved in illegal things. That leads to trouble and time away from reading.
Seriously, if someone offered me a lot of money to do something illegal, even if it was�a situation I was ok with, or a cause that I believed�in�(I have zero examples for something that falls into those two categories.... hmm....) I would not do it if it meant that I would miss, for example, the Breaking Dawn party. Never. Which is pathetic, but it would help keep me on the straight and narrow ; ).
Another thing. I had a loong conversation with Charlotte about true�love (see?! This is what happens when cynics read Twilight. Or rather, one cynic... me.). She�has been trying�to convince me there's such thing as true love for everyone. It's not necessarily that I don't believe in true love, it's that I think that I don't think it exists for me. Wait--this sounds familiar. Have I whined about this before? I do believe so. Well, what it boils down to is that Charlotte and I disagree about the availability of true love to everyone. The end.
Song recommendation of the day: I'll Keep Your Memory Vague, by Finger Eleven.��It's so sad, but really pretty.
I'm going to stop here, because I have to go to swim team. Hooray. This sucks.