mccreight29's Journal

Sep 2006
4:04 PM EDT

without discussing my emotional issues I dont really have much to say. I am a trainwreck I suppose.. you know its bad, but you cant resist watching the carnage. I have a great Job.. somedays.. when I am not getting chewed out for not babysitting the guys.. I have a relationship that works I think.. I have kids who hate me.. and parents who ignore me. what more could a girl ask for. I still believe that one day its all going to come together and I can relax.
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mccreight29's Profile

  • Username: mccreight29
  • Gender / Age: Female, 53
  • Location: USA - Georgia
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    MCCREIGHT29's Interests:

    About Me: I am a mother of three with what seems like a lifetime behind me and a life time to go. I have made some very major changes in my life and it seems like most of them are for the better for a change. First and foremost I am in love with a man who gives me quiet strength. He is my rock. He lets me be who I am and comforts me when I need it. I am starting a new career path at 34 and although its scarry I have support for the first time. That feeling is so overwhelming to me because I have never had it. I feel peace when I am home.

    Interests: Everything interests me. I am a very inquisitive person.

    Favorite Music: Again, I love everything. I am very open to new music as well as the classics

    Favorite Movies: anything by PIXAR. I love my cartoons.

    Favorite Television: COPS, CSI, The unit, Survivor, deal or no deal, merkat manor.

    Favorite Books: Dean Koontz, and Grosse Pointe Pimp.

    MCCREIGHT29's Friends: