manavpietro's Journal

Jun 2016
5:45 AM IST

Firework Safety Tips


Festivals are the time for fun and celebrations. Regardless of age, anyone from five year old to sixty year old enjoys firing crackers. However we also see and hear a lot of accidents because of improper use of fireworks.

More than 14% of children between age group 0-4 years are getting injured due to improper lighting of fireworks. This number is mounting every year and it needs to be controlled immediately. Even if you do not allow your children to touch fireworks, they can still be seriously injured if they are around others who are using fireworks.�

You can easily prevent some�ill-fated�accidents just by following the safety guidelines. We suggest you to never relighting fireworks that didn’t fully ignite, never give a firework or sparkler to a child, don't put any part of your body in the path of the firework when lighting the fuse, always keep a bucket of water on hand, buy fireworks from a licensed shop only, don’t shoot them off in metal or glass containers and move back quickly after lighting. Children should never play with fireworks and of course, don’t buy them illegally. You might end up busted.

The best way to ensure safety of your family is to not use any fireworks at home. Instead, attend public fireworks displays and leave the lighting part to the professionals. For more safety instructions read our info graphic below. Hope you take some cues from this page and have a�safe and joyful celebration.

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  • Username: manavpietro
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - New York