madhousewife's Journal

Jan 2007
5:44 PM EDT

Tomorrow I have a trip to the dreaded "chair". The horrid sound of the drill, the intimidating tools of the trade. Thats right, I'm off to the dentist. Childhood dental trauma, makes me a total coward of the dentist. Loosing a filling and having the filling in a root canal coming loose, I have to bite the bullet. I am a little nervous, but I am sure by morning the slight fear will be full blown terror, but I will go.
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madhousewife's Profile

  • Username: madhousewife
  • Gender / Age: Female, 69
  • Location: USA - Michigan
    MADHOUSEWIFE's Interests:

    About Me: 50 year old Grandma, trying to figure out my own life and identity.

    Interests: anything having to do with water, rollercoasters, board games, animals, camping.

    Favorite Music: I like all music, but gospel.

    Favorite Movies: Horror, comedy

    Favorite Television: Ghost Whisperer,

    Favorite Books: anything by S.King

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