jorge's Journal

Jan 2007
11:22 AM EDT

I am so happy that today is friday. Oh and its a 3 day weekend. I learned something today on how to set up your desktop in any way you want. i have alot of pictures in my pictures file. I am going to watch south park today and watch MADTV on Sayurday.
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Dec 2006
11:25 AM EDT

You know whats the coolest video game in the world? The game is called Fire Emblem. This game is about strategy and how you command your units into battle. If the character dies he dies for the rest of the game. You can play this game in the Nintendo Gamecube or in the Gameboy Advance. In the first part your main character is Lyn. Then as the game continues you meet up with a lord named Elliwood.
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jorge's Profile

  • Username: jorge
  • Gender / Age: Male, 33
  • Location: USA - California