jodigirl25's Journal

Dec 2007
9:29 AM EDT

I've been busy being a NURSE!

I've made it to be a nurse...finally! Years of dreaming it, and now have accomplished it. But wait! Not finished yet with my dream...will be starting school again next week, to go further to be an RN! I think I will not be satisfied until the original dream has been seen and touched. So onward I march....

Jul 2007
6:28 AM EDT

I have one class to go...Pediatrics. I think this nursing program process has taken forever, but at the same time gone fast. I will be glad to see it over...But sad to not see my friends every day...

Apr 2007
7:02 AM EDT

Okay, Saturday is the induction ceremony for the Chi Alpha Epsilon Nation Honor Society. I'm a little nervous. I am planning my graduation party for August already. Another girl and I are going together and are really gonna have a bash! Long time, no bash for me.

Mar 2007
6:35 AM EDT

Wow, long time! Finished Nursing Care of Adults I. 89.9%. That is only 1.1% from an A. Damn. I have been invited to join the Chi Alpha Epsilon. What an honor! 4 months to go!

Feb 2007
6:29 AM EDT

Katie was kinda bumming because of school being cancelled on Valentine's Day, her birthday. My baby is 14 years old now. My school was cancelled and I loved it! I spent the day shoveling, so we could get out to take her for dinner. My husband walked to work! We had over 2 feet of snow...

Feb 2007
4:55 PM EDT

Katie and I went shopping yesterday! Thank God for IRS refunds! Her birthday is Wednesday, Valentine's Day, and I love to spoil her! I bought her some bling of her choice, which happened to be a HUGE CZ and gold ring, that I got a great sale price on. I still can't believe, though, that I spend this much on a kid! But, kids are given to us to spoil and shower with gifts. It's especially great, because she really doesn't seem to expect a whole lot, but when she gets it (a whole lot), she is so elated! The second job is taking off, school is still going great, the first job coworkers made me have a great weekend! Craig--well, he is taking his new status as a 21 year old to the hilt, and I left him stranded in the next town, telling him he should have planned on how he was going to get home--BEFORE he left! TOUGH LOVE!!! Hurts me, but I'm laughing. Make sense? Only to me! I had Nichole come over yesterday, real quick- so we could put on the new gold hoop earrings I bought for Annaelise for Valentine's Day. I have been wanting to get some for her, and finally the price was right! 6 months to go!

Feb 2007
2:07 PM EDT

I got a high B on Cardiac test. I'm hired in a Hospice, and partially oriented, at least as far as the paperwork goes. Busy, busy. Last weekend we helped Nichole move to a bigger apartment. Katie's had the flu. Craig will be 21 tomorrow! We might go for a few rounds.

Feb 2007
5:24 PM EDT

I got some serious studying done today! Cardiac functions, and disorders. Hope I can retain!!!

Jan 2007
2:55 PM EDT

During my observation yesterday at the hospital, I got to see a baby girl come into the world, via C-Section! I was in OR, and I feel SO lucky! It was awesome and I almost cried! Then I got to see 2 pacemakers put in back to back. It was pretty interesting, and I wasn't grossed out. But the baby, Lexus, will remain on my mind, maybe forever!
1 comment(s) - 06:49 PM - 01/31/2007

Jan 2007
8:06 AM EDT

Craig made it home from Alabama. His little girlfriend is so cute, but such a pest! Her world revolves around him, and his world revolves around himself! I hope she lays off and gives him some space, or she will lose him. Haven't seen baby for a couple of weeks, and I sure do miss her. I have had two tests by now, and got a 95% on the math, and 97% on electrolytes. Yah! I'm trying so hard to be a good student! God is on my side-I can feel it!
1 comment(s) - 12:22 PM - 01/27/2007

Jan 2007
1:58 PM EDT

I've been busy with school and clinicals! Oh, it's great. Next week I will get to spend a day in OR. Then ER. I've taken 2 tests and scored a 95% and 96%. Yah! This is great. My interview went well. Next comes the red tape, fingerprinting, BMV check, FBI check, that kind of thing...

Jan 2007
2:43 PM EDT

As if I need more things to take up my time... I have an interview at Hospice next week. Pay starts at $11/hr. I only need part time. I already have another part time job. AND I signed up to donate plasma for money. Not sure, but I know they pay good too! Come on, big money!

Jan 2007
2:10 PM EDT

School is awesome! I'm glad to be back in. The hospital was very interesting and I spied a girl that I haven't seen for 29 years. I made sure it's really her, and next week I will reintroduce myself. I bet she will be surprised. I was 11 or 12 years old, but never forgot her. I heard her singing quietly and just knew it was her. Our instructors are motivating and positive--that can only help me. I could use a boost. I'm scared that I will carry my friend's negativity around, as much as I try to even fight hearing it! Once upon a time, I removed every negative person from my life. Now, I'm aware that maybe there's a reason for us to be friends--so I can show HER how to be positive instead. God works in mysterious ways...

Jan 2007
8:02 PM EDT

When your soul mate leaves you, by a higher power, is there ever a way that you can go on? Every thought I have, every dream coincides with how it could have been or how it is supposed to be. I have never forgotten my soulmate in 17 years and the memory is so intertwined with the life I have now. But I will never be desired the same way... Never be loved as much...I think that first loves are the ultimate and you will always compare to what your first experiences with it was...

Jan 2007
2:50 PM EDT

For the 8 days in a row, gross pay = $1000. Awesome! Worked today, and am having little wonder, Annaelise, over to spend the night before school starts again Tuesday. This time she will get to wake up when Grandpa and Katie are there! I can't wait!

Jan 2007
5:03 PM EDT


Jan 2007
5:01 PM EDT

I forgot to add that yesterday was his birthday...

Jan 2007
6:21 PM EDT

I spent the day with my sister, at her new house, and just let everything roll off me. I also did something today that I waited 17 years to do. I visited my soul mate at the cemetary.

Jan 2007
7:17 PM EDT

I spent the day with my friend and her kids. She has 7, and a devout Catholic. They are 9 years and on down. The first 6 have brown hair and eyes, and the 7th came with blue eyes! Awesome. Maybe that's a sign that he should be the last? I'll be visiting my sister tomorrow all day, an hour away. She moved around Halloween, and I still haven't been there. Hope she makes me some bread. Nichole is back with Jason... I'm TRYING to see future in it. He does love Annaelise (and Nichole, I'm sure), but he doesn't know how to trust. Craig is going with Grandma Jo to Alabama for a week. I suggested Greyhound, because Craig can't drive, and Grandma Jo shouldn't :) And Katie is doing great!

Jan 2007
4:18 PM EDT

Mmmm...Rum and Coke...what the Dr. ordered! Work sucked! Should have been good, but one working with us talked smack about EVERYONE in the place! Why do people do that? And why can't she see good in anyone? This is my carpool mate for college. She did the same with all the girls in our class. How can people think they're perfect, when no one really is???? I can't take another semester of it. I want to ride alone. But I still have to work occasionally with her and her mother. How can I bail without offending?

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jodigirl25's Profile

  • Username: jodigirl25
  • Gender / Age: Female, 59
  • Location: USA - Ohio
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    JODIGIRL25's Interests:

    About Me: Busy chasing dreams and trying to make myself a better person...

    Interests: I love to learn.

    Favorite Music: Usually any kind I can sing to.

    Favorite Books: Letters to Karen, My Wife Mistook Me for an Umbrella, Where the Lilies Bloom, Who Moved My Cheese?

    JODIGIRL25's Friends: