Okay, so it has been a while since I was on here. Like I dunno, aaaall summer. Haha. But yeah. I'm back. And I'm not happy incase you couldn't tell from the title.
You know how a few posts ago I was really happy because Alex was expelled and I wouldn't have to deal with him? Well guess who is back.�Alex obviously. I don't know if everyone was wrong about him getting expelled or if they let him back or what but there he was at orientation yesterday.�I, of course, was the first one of my friends to see him. And then we kept seeing him all around the school. Seriously FUCK�MY�LIFE. Why the hell does this have to happen to me. I personally didn't say a word to him but my friends did. I really hope I don't have any classes with him. If I do I am scared I will start liking him again. And I don't want to... FML.
Thanks for listening to my rambling. haha.