iLOVEmyBRO's Journal

Sep 2006
11:39 AM EDT

I went to a Labor Day carnival today. It was GREAT!! I went with my friends Ryan,Emma,Samantha,and Kayla. We where just about to get on a ride when it started POURING rain!! I loved to stand out in it because it was such a hot day. Everybody else was going for cover, but not me!! XOXO~ Jessica
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iLOVEmyBRO's Profile

  • Username: iLOVEmyBRO
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - South Carolina
    ILOVEMYBRO's Interests:

    About Me: Well, I'm a vegitarian, I'm a part of PETA, and I NEVER wear fur or animal testing makeups.

    Interests: Animals, the environment, drawing, wolves, cutting grass, and other stuff.

    Favorite Music: Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, Green Day, all punk rock.

    Favorite Movies: Failure to Launch, The Balled of Ricky Bobby, Cheaper by the Dozen 1 and 2

    Favorite Television: Animal Cops, Emergency Vets, Planet's Funniest Animals, ect.

    Favorite Books: ?????I dunno?????