dee23's Journal
May 2007
6:33 PM GMT
well only ten weeks till i retirer and no i'm not that old yet only 35 but due to ill health i have no choice but what will i do with my self all day long every day .my work keeps me sane i take disabled kids to and from school and when you look at those kids and see how happy they are despite all their problems it gives you a swift kick and you relise how luck you are .i will miss each and every one of them they make me smile when im down and remind me life could be a lot worse what will i do with out my little mates? over the years i recon i have got to know about 100 plus kids and i'm always sad when they move on but now i now this is the end i feel depressed and sad to think i wont see them every day cos you do get attached to them the kids i have at the mo i've had for three years and will miss them tons .i'm still in touch with one of my favourite kids hes 21 now and still sends me christmas cards and invites me to he's birthday partys so at least i still have him to visit .
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dee23's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 54
United Kingdom
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DEE23's Interests:
About Me:
hi i'm 35 have a partner of 9 years and a son 13 we have 1 cat cassie 1 dog tessa these are her pups at 5 weeks old
all sorts going out having a laugh with mates walking the dog or should i say her walking me
Favorite Music:
Favorite Movies:
green mile monsters ink farmyard matilda
Favorite Books:
bad mothers handbook . remeber me .
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