8am mail from Mr. T.� forwarded chain
Environment audit.� Were business requirements appropriate and was "quality delivery" achieved.� This is regarding the failed Ruby/Rails project RTB.
RTB was killed because of issues bringing it in-house.� But they still want to do Ruby/Rails elsewhere.� There is another project BTI to do just that, but it isn't related to RTB.
Mr. T. replied that I had solved the template issues with bringing it in-house, but by the time I was able to get around the problem, they'd already decided to terminate the project due to the cost.� (Good enough as it is)� Asked me to confirm.
My reply:� XXX, you are correct.� The environment is standing, there is 500GB of SAN attached and it was ready for deployment when the project was killed.� I've been waiting final word on decom/reclaim for destruction of the env.
9am Remembered to send Becky an email telling her I fixed the outbound email issue from last night.
10- Slick sent email with an NFS on ESX pdf.
10ish - Finished reconciling and installing packages for Pooh Bear on delphi.� LM RHEL5_x64 beta Oracle test box.� Let him know.
2PM Portal LDAP Meeting� dial in
LDAP boxes are hideously downrev in prod.� Currently set to dual cpu with SMP kernel, need to be set down to single CPU/non-smp.� Update packages, patches, errata, kernel, bounce, recompile tools, restart networking, remove tools & kernel source, and done.
Other changes going on too.� New rollout.� Discussion of when/where/order, etc.� They agree to let me roll first with my changes, I can do it in 1 hour, 2 at most.� They'll give me a window next week.� Monday.� Get it done in Dev.� Dev server is apollo over on texoma.
I sent email at 3pm sic it app dev web with notice for downtime of 1-2:30pm on Monday for Apollo.� Set lock on calendar time.
If Apollo goes oka, proceed to demeter & hestia on Tuesday.
Oliver says I'll get call to exchange laptop next week.