beckyleigh's Journal

Jan 2007
9:15 AM EDT

i am babysitting two little boys right now who are practically my nephews (jonah && jesse)and my neice (heaven). jonah and heaven are sick and they are both 2 so they are a handful but i have major experience with little kids. well gotta go they are hungry so... later*
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beckyleigh's Profile

  • Username: beckyleigh
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - Florida
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    BECKYLEIGH's Interests:

    About Me: My name is Becky. I live in North Florida. My priorities are as follows (and will NEVER change) : *family *family *family *education *career *anything that comes after Layout brought to you by ©! ©

    Interests: I like *hanging out with my friends *chillin with my sisters *having fun *having money *blue *writing *singing *dancing *being stupid *being MYSELF...

    Favorite Music: *country *some rap *r & b *pop *dance *techno ***RADIO

    Favorite Movies: oh YAY!! *walk to remember *wedding planner *just friends *step up *stick it *cellular *she's the man *man of the house *big mamas house *must love dogs *many many more!

    Favorite Television: *one tree hill *american idol *7th heaven *gilmore girls *beauty and the geek *everwood *full house *the hills

    Favorite Books: i dont