beckyleigh's Journal

Jan 2007
10:12 AM EDT

so yea if you were wondering...i did get everything done before the social worker got here...and it looked so now i am thinking about getting a puppy of my own but i would have to pay for march i will be making about $580 a month babysitting so i will have to save my money to get the puppy that i really want... i have been doing research about it and it seems to me that people want way to much for teacup yorkies...that is the puppy i want... i have never been picky about my dogs before and they have always been great dogs...with lots of personality...and to even make them better... all of my previous dogs have been FREE!...and now i want to go and pay for a freakin dog that is worth 1000 doesn't seem like me...but whatever... the thing is that if i get a puppy it might take away the chance for my sister to get the dog that she wants... i will have to think about this one...later*
1 comment(s) - 01:47 PM - 01/24/2007
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beckyleigh's Profile

  • Username: beckyleigh
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - Florida
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    BECKYLEIGH's Interests:

    About Me: My name is Becky. I live in North Florida. My priorities are as follows (and will NEVER change) : *family *family *family *education *career *anything that comes after Layout brought to you by ©! ©

    Interests: I like *hanging out with my friends *chillin with my sisters *having fun *having money *blue *writing *singing *dancing *being stupid *being MYSELF...

    Favorite Music: *country *some rap *r & b *pop *dance *techno ***RADIO

    Favorite Movies: oh YAY!! *walk to remember *wedding planner *just friends *step up *stick it *cellular *she's the man *man of the house *big mamas house *must love dogs *many many more!

    Favorite Television: *one tree hill *american idol *7th heaven *gilmore girls *beauty and the geek *everwood *full house *the hills

    Favorite Books: i dont