Attempting to write my paper for HSPA. I completely forgot about it.
Hillary Smith is chattering away on the phone, trying to contact a vollyball coach for her beat. Sharon Ross is yelling "what a fantastic story idea" in the background. Bill Bero is coughing by his desk, talking to his designer. And Matt is laughing like a hyenia.
Man, I'm going to miss this place.
Yeah, I had some rough patches (ok, a little more than "some") but this experiencehas been incredible. I have walked away from something. I can say Iworked here for summer,reported for the Times, had A1s (frontpg stories), got cussed atby sources, cried when Ifelt overwhelmed with 7 stories duewithintwo days, loved laughingwith fellow copy editors, felt part ofteam, gained some much incite from a 40 year vet copy editor to a 25 year old online editor....and so much more.
It'sFriday, mylast day here. It feels like I'll be back Monday, awaiting an assignment from one of my editors.
Bittersweet. Completely bittersweet.