ajithabraham's Journal

Jul 2024
1:10 AM IST

Criminal Law | Read Livelaw To Get all Latest Legal News And Updates on Criminal Law in India

Indian criminal laws comprises of quite an exhaustive set of legal regulations governing behaviors which are considered to be illegal, encompassing offences, ranging from minor offenses to serious crimes. Such laws are mainly featured in the IPC and in other legal statutes, like the Code of Criminal Procedure and special laws, for certain types of offenses. Refer to Livelaw for more details on Criminal law
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Jul 2024
1:17 AM IST

Cyber Crimes | Read Livelaw To Get all Latest Legal News And Updates on Cyber Crimes in India

Cyber crime in India is defined as criminal acts that are carried out using digital platforms. Such acts may be targeted towards individuals, businesses or the entire country’s data protection and security structure. The recent increase in internet penetration and the spread of digital technologies have posed cybercrime as the latest concern covering all ranges of illegal acts. To overcome cyber crimes in India, we have to adopt a multi-stakeholder approach among the government agencies, law enforcement, judiciary, corporate players, and various individuals to control the risks, securely protect digital assets and solely serve the best interest of the public.Read all the cyber crimes and judiciary steps taken on Livelaw
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Jul 2024
1:19 AM IST

Constitutional Law | Read Livelaw To Get all Latest Legal News And Updates on Constitutional Law in

The constitutional law in India is concerned with the laws and doctrines articulated in the Constitution of India.Constitutional law in India comprises of key functions and systems of governance. These functions include division of powers between the central government and the states, fundamental rights guaranteed to citizens, determination of structure and functions of government institutions, and settlement of disputes between different branches of government. In addition, constitutional law dictates the structure and functioning of various government institutions such as legislature, executive, and judiciary.Get all the latest news and updates on court verdicts of this law from Livelaw
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ajithabraham's Profile

  • Username: ajithabraham
  • Gender / Age: Male, 37
  • Location: India