Bitchin out @ the world!

Nov 2007
5:39 PM EDT

Fall in love with me.. "I am ready for love"

So I have decided that I am ready to love again.. not that half assed imma build a fort and you gon' have to get pik and axe to forge your way to my heart kinda love.. but the kinda love that says im open. I guess ive been so distanced from men for so long.. that i forget what its like to be loved. Ive been worshiped from my head to my toes.. Ive been tantalized from heels to my hair.. but I havent been truly adored in quite some time now. I miss it.. i guess i didnt want to let anyone in because the person who set the standard on how to adore me.. and spoil me mentally and emotionally is the one that screwed my head up to begin with. So hoping to not have a flashback.. of those days... but i do miss.. hands going through my hair.. in a curious and playful my scalp is massaged and hair is washed.. I do miss.. showers.. in the p.m.. onlg to get dirty again early am.. and end up showering.. again. I do miss.. that cant get enough of you look in ones eyes,, as thier soul looks at mine so deep my heart stops. I miss being thought about.. little things.. like my fav cereal being present at his house.. or my fav snacks or drinks in his frige just for me. I miss.. getting in my car and it being cleaned without my knowledge. .. or the gas tank being full.. just because he cared to. Beautiful yellow roses........ or flowers period just because. But from what ive gathered lately.. is that alot of guys dont have thier game faces on.. im so tired of little boys.. trying to be a man in the bedroom.. because they know they cant show love or affection beyond the sheets. My new approach to this love to treat a man as I wish to be treated. Maybe then they will get the hint.. just maybe. Shit.. save the wine and dine... its nice every now and then.. but id rather know im being thought of.. however creatively one seeks to convey that thought.. so that it translates to me.. in a language i speak.. thats what I want!
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aGiftFromAbov's Profile

  • Username: aGiftFromAbov
  • Gender / Age: Female, 40
  • Location: USA - Virginia
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    AGIFTFROMABOV's Interests:

    About Me: Im young.. early twenties, I have a sister.. age 8.. I have 3 younger brothers.. I have a great career.. I am a hopeless romantic!

    Interests: Reading.. debating.. I love being challenged! I only dream of a day where my partner challenges my mind body and soul...

    Favorite Music: I listen to anything.. Tool..Jay'Z.. Limp Bizkit..Tanya Tucker..Project Pat.. lol

    Favorite Movies: I'm not a concept. Too many guys think I'm a concept or I complete them or I'm going to make them alive, but I'm just a fucked up girl who is looking for my own peace of mind. Don't assign me yours. " -Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Favorite Television:  ' '