SHABRE's Journal
Jan 2007
10:56 AM EDT
some PEOPLE are just dumn i just thought i'd say that.... im not gon say no names.....because they sould know who im talken bout
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Jan 2007
10:53 AM EDT
its finally FRIDAY,when i go home im gettin my stuff and leaving and go to PASADENA to go to old town to the movies like me and my cousins always do evey time we go to old town,hopefully they dont start anything like they was the last time we was all up there because they was doin some krazy things,like on christmas 2 of my cousin got in to a fight that day the 1st one was by my aunties house and the 2nd was at the movies then my cousin the one who got in the frist fight was starting trouble with some because she didnt like her so she was doing things to try to make the girl od somethin but she didnt,she got her money back from the movies and left so when the movie was over the called the girl and told her that they wanted to fight her and it was 2 o;clock in the morning but the girls was not trying to fight her so we just went home to think about what we was going to do later on that day
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Jan 2007
10:16 AM EDT
Today is friday the day ii was waiting for this whole week so ii can go to the movies to see STOMP THE YARD with my cousins and friends. ii know it will be fun because when ii went to the movies on christmas to see ''DREAM GIRLS'' we had alot of fun and we didnt leave the movies until like 2:35 in the morning and we got to the movies around 8:41 pm. My was messing around with alot of people trying to get them to say something but nobody did so they keep messig with other people.
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Gender / Age:
Female, 33
USA - California
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