Phoebe4's Journal

Jun 2007
5:33 PM CST I want to move south for a few reasons. It is a cheaper cost of living than where I currently reside. It is warmer. There are many more "big businesses" there for employment. And quite honestly, it is far, far away from my family. A little space is exactly what I need right now. Don't get me wrong, I realize that everybody's family has their issues, but not everybody lives with their family at 30 years old and still has 7 people in the household. And maybe I am running away from some things here- maybe I am trying to forget some things to try to move on....maybe. I have always wanted to try to move out of state to "make it on my own"- I never went away to college, never tried it alone, and I have every opportunity to do so now- so why not? I am single, no kids, little debt...seems like an easy decision right? so much.

Now whether it is by fate, by good luck, bad luck, god's will, or intentional- there has been a kink in the master plan. I really do want to believe it is true too. My lifelong friend, the one I have always thought was "the one" just moved down there. It was probably a year ago when I had made the decision to move down there and just need to finish my degree before applying to jobs. He was recruited for employment in that city and moved there this week. He know my feelings, and always has. The feelings are only on my side.He is not interested in me for anything more than friendship. and I totally adore our friendship and would never want my life without it. But I have also spent the greater part of my life trying to keep him just in the "friend realm" and have such a hard time turning off the feelings. I just do not want any of my decisions to center around him, with hopes of anything more because for most of my life, I have always wanted it to happen, and would daydream of "that day". In fact there are so many memories of him here that maybe that is something that I am trying to run away from. But now he is there. So do I not go there because he is there and let him affect a decision of mine? Or do I go there as planned because I need to prove this to myself. Is this fate, coincidence, a sick joke?? I have to say that I honestly do not know what is real in this situation. And you know when you know the truth deep down inside of you, but it can never come out either in words or on paper, but you just know what the truth is....I do not know the answer to this. I havee been wrong so many times about this guy that....i just don't know...

I do know that he is one of my closest, if not the closest friend I have- we just connect on a different level that the rest of my friends. I know that I do not want to lose that- ever. I just wish I knew what the "master plan" is, because i think it would ease my mind. If this is fate and it is meant to be, i wish I'd know that so that I can quit worrying about it. and if it were never meant to be, I really wish I would know that FOR SURE so that I can finally move on once and for all. Either way, I know that I do need to stick to my original plan to go down there and try things out in ly own place. I need to network and find a new group of friends to go out with, and spend some quality alone time. Whatever happens from there- happens. I wonder how the online dating scene is down there. Up here has been pretty icky- and that will be the topic of my next entry....or next few entries...LOL
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Phoebe4's Profile

  • Username: Phoebe4
  • Gender / Age: Female, 48
  • Location: USA - Minnesota