Thank you for all my fans as far as poetry is concerned.,
This has been a work in process since the Fall of 1989.
Thanks to my loyal fans of 15,000 + reader's.
Mario William Vitale will be a name that all poets should strive to become.
That is a good sense of integrity, honesty and common sense.
My platform consists of:
(1) David Bell Letters,
(2) International Library of Poetry,
(3) Connecticut Poetry Review,
(4) Academy of American Poetry,
(5) Virginia Writer's Quarterly,
(7) NYC, The Wall of St. John The Devine,
(8) Crossway Publishing
(9) Little Rose Magazine,
(10) New Man Magazine,
(11) Writer's Digest Magazine,
(12) Wolcott Community Newspaper
editor: Julie F. Moore,
(13) Waterbury Republican Interview (April 2009),
* My poems reflect the real essence of who I am.
Truly, to me it's a matter of heart.
Here is my newest poem:
(An Echo In Eternity)
Can we as a nation ever come together
We tend to sweat the small stuff
Oft, we even get careless with our words
Is this not so surprising ?
Your tongue can� set you on fire
Now are you calling Paul a liar ?
Ponder his rendition of,
("�A� Fool On A Hill ").
This is not a fixture that one can put on a tree
Don't create fear when there is none
With the right choices that we make now
Will forever bring an echo in eternity
Even if one doesn't make a choice
There sheer complacency is a major factor
Why does one often ponder
An idea of a fantastic vacation
Still, a vacation from what ?
It's just a mere escape from the theatre of pain
Try to choose door number three
Other's will choose the path of free will
Still some bask in some euphoric drama
Now try to be a big boy
Don't ever run home crying to your mama !