I wish I could fly. I'd take a trip to the beach with the gulls and be back in time for dinner.�I've dreamt of flying and it always feels so good, so free, light and exciting.� I hate waking up after that.
I wish to�win the lottery. I know I could buy happiness, even though they say you can't. I'll decide that!
I wish the economy�would get�better, I'm getting sick of the news.
I wish Palin would�go away, back to Alaska where she belongs. If she's such a good "hockey mom" she needs to stay home and BE one, not running around�looking for more ladders to climb. She needs to�be there for her kids and husband. I'd be worried to have a VP that knows as little as she does.
I wish I could see into the future. How amazing it would be to be able to know what was coming next in your life. I think I'd want to start with knowing the next hour first then the next day, week, etc. If I could do this I'd have more trust that everythings going to be alright.
I wish meaness wasn't out there. Why do people waste their time saying or doing bad things? Doesn't everyone know about Kharma? "Do unto others.."? I feel sorry for them, somebody taught them to be that way I guess.
I wish I live with my hubbie forever. He's my best friend and I never want to be without him.
I wish I was in Disneyland -�right now! I really love that "Happiest Place on Earth". We had Thanksgiving down there last year and I'm seriously missing it now.
I wish I get a puppy for my birthday. I want a Bichon. That's a fat chance, hubs does't want one...
I wish I could take a day and stay in bed.