January 16, 2009
�� Well today was an okay day. We had people come to our school and talk about what engineering was. And I think I could really benefit from that. I think I would like chemical engineering. I'm really going to think about pursuing this as a career. I've been running after school so I canbe read for track, but I just couldn't today. I was way to sore.
�� It was pretty cold today. Around 20 degrees. That is really cold for Alabama. I HATE the winter time. I'm already cold all the time, and the winter just makes me colder. I just wish I was on the beach soaking up the sun. Man I can't wait until summer-time. I love going to my friends house down the street and just jumping in the pool with her. With all of our clothes on. It makes me feel worry-free.
Well, it is Friday night and I'm stuck at home once again. Nights like this make me regret the choices I've made. Maybe if I wouldn't have lied and snuck around behind their back, I could actually be somewhere right now. I just wish I could go back in time, and stayed at her house like I was supposed to. Like my parents thought we were doing. I never did any drugs, drank any alcohol, or had sex that night. I just wasn't where I was supposed to�be.�� *sigh*� "If Only, If Only" I told myself to stop thinking about what could be or could've been. I really wish I could though.
� Well this entry turned into something a little to personal... But I won't delete anything. It doesn't seem right...