Jane's Journal

Nov 2006
5:27 AM EDT

We had some big excitement at the store on Wednesday. Well, I found it exciting, I think my parents find it nerve raking. We had channel 9 come out to the store and shoot 2 commercials. One is for the new Heat and Eat meals and one is for x-mas at the store. I got to be in the Heat and Heat commercial. My role was to be the shopper that just could not find something to make for dinner until I discovered the Heat and Eat Meals. I tell the story like I had a major role in a move but in fact my part only took about 3 minutes to shoot which will in reality be about 5 seconds (if I’m lucky) in the ad. But all in all it was fun and I can’t wait to see the finish project. I will let you know when the commercials will be on TV. J
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  • Username: Jane
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA
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