Jane's Journal
Nov 2006
5:03 AM EDT
Evidently there was not enough dynamite in Athens to implode the old tavern yesterday so they just used a very large back hoe to knock it down. Not as exciting as an implosion but I guess it got the job done. It only took about 4 hours to get the building down. Right now you would never even know it was there. Well the count down to moving to Charlotte has started so yesterday I had to get serious about training my replacement. I worked most of the day with Laura training her on most of the computer work. She is doing quite well. The other day Dan was testing her and asked her if she was working in Word or Excel. She was quite for a minute and then replied that she was working in the computer. She now knows what Word and Excel! The orders for the Heat and Eat meals are slowly coming in – we were hoping the response from our open house would have generated more orders but some is better than none. Sales at the store are doing real well. Monday we had put 75 meals and by Wednesday 1/2 of them were sold!!! J
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- 12:05 PM - 11/17/2006
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Female, 58
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