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    melsteam  50, Male, Texas, USA - 14 entries
Jun 2008
7:12 AM CDT

School is good for the mind...
Tags: School

    Jimay25  36, Male, Philippines - 5 entries
May 2008
2:35 AM EDT

back to school

here we go again. hope I don't flunk my classes this time. gotta do this. got to make this right. Got to help myself and help my family here in the Philippines. No matter if I'm not sure I like the course. it doesn't really matter yet. What's in demand is more important here in the Philippines. The course that could take me abroad easily. That's life. Life isn't easy here in the Philippines. I wonder if the condition will get better here. Prices are always going up. Even wealthy families only look and seem wealthy. Going too far here. I can do this. guess it's okay to feel scared. I'm a coward at least I admit it.�

Tags: School

    SweetiePie120  29, Female, Missouri, USA - 8 entries
Dec 2007
12:06 PM EDT


Hi!!!! I am juss really bored, so I decided to type in ma journal!!! Today it is December 9, 2007 in Kansas City, Missouri!!It succs because my mom said I might not be going to school, and I have a newspaper meeting tomorrow!! I might e-mail the newspaper teacher, Mrs. Ronnebaum, and tell her that I am not going to make it. I am a photograper and writer for the newspaper. It is kinda, sorta fun!! I juss enjoy spending the time wit ma friends!!! :) I do really luv goin to Raytown Middle School. That skool is HUGE!!! LMFAO..... well I betta get bacc 2 doin my scrapbooking...LATER DUDES!!!!

signed, ReD RoBiN

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