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    jmckeone  63, Male, Virginia, USA - 546 entries
Apr 2009
6:08 AM EDT

Power 90 - day 20

in class ... managed to maintain exercise but diet varied

    jmckeone  63, Male, Virginia, USA - 546 entries
Apr 2009
6:06 AM EDT

Power 90 - day 19

in class ... managed to maintain exercise but diet varied

    jmckeone  63, Male, Virginia, USA - 546 entries
Apr 2009
6:05 AM EDT

Power 90 - day 18

in class ... managed to maintain exercise but diet varied

    jmckeone  63, Male, Virginia, USA - 546 entries
Apr 2009
5:50 AM EDT

Power 90 - day 17

After 4 days of muscle recuperation and rest I'm back at it.� Sculpt routine this a.m. and coming up on morning snack time.� Weight this a.m. 215.� Still not seeing any real dramatic changes especially on the scale but have bound myself to keep at it relentlessly until I attain the body I am seeking to have.

    jmckeone  63, Male, Virginia, USA - 546 entries
Apr 2009
7:24 AM EDT

Power 90 - day 16

Usual exercise and diet today.� Heading out for a couple of days for the prayer advance but will be able to do my thursday and saturday workouts.� Diet will be non-standard for a couple days.

Looking forward to a couple days away.� Am hoping the extra rest will help my body recoup a bit and give the muscles time to grow.

    jmckeone  63, Male, Virginia, USA - 546 entries
Apr 2009
6:17 AM EDT

Power 90 - day 15

Same as per usual.� Fortunately the rain stopped and I was able to bike today.� The cardio routine is still tough but am beginning to notice some increasing strength and firmness through my check and lats.

    jmckeone  63, Male, Virginia, USA - 546 entries
Apr 2009
6:26 AM EDT

Power 90 - day 14

Weight, only 5 pounds down from beginning, still no indicator of progress but fit of clothes and appearance moreso.� Should have done measurements at the beginning but will remember to do when 30 day mark hits.�

Usual morning routine.� Running a bit behind on my morning snack at the moment.

Got a pair of pants buttoned with ease that I had to suck in to wear for quite some time now.� Stomach beginning to flatten out a bit but still a very apparent layer of fat.

    jmckeone  63, Male, Virginia, USA - 546 entries
Apr 2009
6:23 AM EDT

Power 90 - day 13

Typical Sunday in that normalizing diet and eating times is especially rough on the weekends.

    jmckeone  63, Male, Virginia, USA - 546 entries
Apr 2009
8:01 AM EDT

Power 90 - day 12

Up around 8.� Did the 40 minute sweat and abs routine and then had a breakfast of 4 egg whites.� Went out for a 25 mile bike ride on the trail and mid ride stopped and had a 30 gram protein bar and a bottle of iced star bucks coffee.� Killed a 20 oz bottle of water on the return trip.� While I still struggle with parts of the workout and it winds me at points I'm feeling the difference in my lats, arms and shoulders.� The slow and frustrating part will definitely be waiting for the layer of fat to burn away to reveal the muscle I'm building.� From progress pictures I've seen at it would seem that begins to become visible starting around the 60 day mark so I've still got about 7 weeks to go.� Since I'm out of town two days next week and my eating/exercise will not be on task I'll not be counting those two days in this chronology.

    jmckeone  63, Male, Virginia, USA - 546 entries
Apr 2009
4:25 AM EDT

Power 90 - day 11

Slept a bit later than usual but still got the workout and breakfast in before heading to work.

Strength training day is still the tougher of the two days for me as I'm continuing to find myself weak in the pushup department.� I'm unable to do all of them and in some cases even when wimping out to the "girly" pushups.� Am figuring the strength will return in time.� If I'm still struggling after another two weeks I'll be sure to work on pushups in the evening as well to build up my strength.

Made the mistake a couple days back on getting on the scale and found myself back at 214 again.� I'm thinking at this point the scale is more a discouragement and a distraction than a gauge of success.� I'm eating what I should, feeling firmer though neither the scale or the mirror are as yet my friends in this department.� Persistence is the only thing that will help me to win out in the end.

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