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    Sakii  30, Female, Netherlands Antilles - 2 entries
Feb 2008
3:46 PM PST

My friends.

Hi you guys!

This is my first day writting in my online diary. I am not English, so maybe my English isn't good and stuff. But anyways, I think today was kind of fun. This year I made new friends, and finally we went out! It was awesome! We went to the cinema to see 'Meet the Spartans'. Most of my friends are guys and I'm a girl. So it was kind of weird... Hard to describe. But afterwards, me and my friends talked, I got to know them better. I realized that these are my 'real' friends. They care about me. And I care about them! And they accept me for who I am. And that makes me so happy! Because the friends I had before them, didn't even care. When I had a problem, they would be like: 'so what, who cares?'. I mean aren't friends there to help you? To have fun with? I know I learned what fun is supposed to be! I'm so glad! And tomorrow I'm going shopping with a friend. She's my best friend! I share everything with her, even my secrets. And I can't wait.

I am so tired. Tomorrow I'll write more...

Tags: Friends

    mommy  35, Female, New York, USA - 20 entries
Aug 2007
12:48 PM EDT

Hi everyone. How are you all Doing today? I am Doing ok today. I got a Call From one of my Best Friends, his name is Thomas (Tom). Back About a month or 2 ago, I Told him that I Loved him, he took it Better than I Expected. Anyway, he hasnt Been Doing to Good, he's Been Really Depressed, down in the dumps, and Just plain Sad, so I Had Emailed him back 2 days ago Telling him that if he Needs Anything that I am here For him. Well he Called today and we were on the Phone For About 30 minutes Talking. I Helped him sort some Stuff out, But he wants to Talk more so I Can Help him sort some more Things out With him. Anyway, what has everyone Been up to Lately? How has Life Been Treating you all? How are you all Doing? I Miss Talking too you all. Sorry that I havent Written in so long. So fill me in on what I Missed, and how everything is. Talk to you all Soon. With Love, & Support, Krysta
1 comment(s) - 05:49 PM - 09/05/2007

    distantgirl  59, Female, Tennessee, USA - 4 entries
Jul 2007
8:25 PM CDT

Hello,I just wanted to say hello to everyone.This is my first entry here at inbox.i'm lost a little bit but surely I will figure it all out.The reason I'm here is because for one I love to write and I needed a place I could put my thoughts and feelings.And I love meeting new people and maybe I might find a few new friends.Please feel free to drop in anytime.And if you want to know anything about me feel free to ask me and I will be glad to answer whatever it might be.hope to talk to you later.............distantgirl

    bookunread  26, Female, California, USA - 2 entries
Aug 2016
12:56 AM PDT


I've always found it easy for myself to make friends, I guess I'm seen as a fairly sociable person. One who'd you like to go to high school football games with. Or get a bite to eat at your local cafe. Or vent to about how your ex boyfriend has a new girlfriend who you say is so much uglier than you but in retrospect is probably ten times better for him than you were.... But when it's my turn, When i need someone. Everyone vanishes. I really don't expect a lot from anyone anymore, and yet i expect too much from myself. Why do I let the wrong people in? Why am i there for everyone and anyone, damn well knowing they'll never be there in the same sense as i would? Do i chose the wrong friends to surround myself with? Or is it i rely to heavy on others in times of need? Is this how it's always going to be..? I need to learn to deal with my problems myself and make myself if no one else will... �

    luv2dnz  57, Female, Arizona, USA - First entry!
Nov 2016
2:47 AM MST

The Relationship Title

Lately I have been searching my heart in reference to a relationship that I am in. The problem that I am facing is that we are in a relationship in title only. We have been 'dating' for almost a year and yet I feel single.

When we met I made sure that he understood what I was looking for in a relationship.� I don't necessarily need someone to take care of me, financially I am very capable of taking care of myself.� But I was hoping to find someone to share my life with.� In reality, we see each other every week for approximately 2 hours due to a mutual game that we play, but we are not alone during this time.� As for 'us' time, we see each other maybe every 3 or 4 weeks, sad part�is that we live about 15 minutes apart, when we do it is because I have made the effort to spend time with him and it ends up being sexual in which I am no where near satisfied.� The man can't last more than 25 minutes, seriously!

Everytime that I invite him to my home, there is always a reason why that can't happen.�

So now, I know this relationship is going no where, so why don't I have the guts to just end it?

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